For the first time on Shortfilmweb, something truly groundbreaking – a film created entirely with A.I. A Hard Winter | 厳しい冬 by Alex Patrascu looks so realistic it’s almost indistinguishable from live action.

The short film shows us vignettes of daily life during a winter in Japan – traders, fishermen, commuters, travellers, families – a variety of scenes which, thanks to their astonishing realism, demonstrate just how far technology has come. The textures are brilliant and vivid, the human movement extremely realistic. As Patrascu says, most people are unable to tell the film is A.I.

We’ve just created a new A.I. category for this film in addition to the other searchable categories on ShortFilmWeb, because this is clearly going to be a massive trend in the future. Hollywood watch out – your days are numbered!

Alex Patrascu is co-founder of AI Massive.
His YouTube channel is

He outlines the tools he used for this one below;

Visuals: Google Whisk (Imagen 3)
Videos: Luma AI…
Music: Epidemic Sound
Sound Effects: Replicate Upscaled to 4K with Topaz AI Video:

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