Sam, a refuse collector, decides in an apparent existential crisis that his job is beneath him. After being cursed by a raccoon, he finds himself rendered, quite literally, a garbage man. A brilliantly scripted and acted comic short, perhaps also a cautionary tale about complaining.
In the words of the director himself “I’d rather let the audience make up their own minds as to what a story is about. But… depression. It’s about depression. Probably. I don’t know. Maybe it’s about raccoons. They’re kind of dicks. I just know that, however silly this movie might seem, it’s very close to my heart. I grew up idolizing the garbage man. I wanted to ride the back of the truck, and heave around smelly things, and be adored by kids like myself. So far my life’s gone in a different direction, but I wanted to pay tribute in a small way to the people that keep our lives running and don’t get nearly enough credit. Many people, myself often included, feel trapped by the circumstances of their lives. The impulse behind telling this weird little story is to see what happens when you take the accumulated mental garbage that threatens to bury us all, and make it literal. ”
Directed by Alan Miller
Written by David Haskell and Alan Miller
Starring Kalvin Olafson, Daniel Jacobsen and Luke Roessler