Kickoff was originally written as a short story by Alistair Moore. Zoran Trajkovic, eager to direct his first short film, chose Kickoff as the project. By pure chance actor Steven Waddington, star of Sleepy Hollow, Last of the Mohicans and many more, read the script for Kickoff, loved it and asked to play the lead role.

Filmed over two days in East London, Kickoff is about a protest taking place, with no obvious cause or motive. The crowd are extremely passionate, and the demonstration threatens to spill over into violence. As events build to a climax, a narrator describes how it feels to be there, the atmosphere and the emotions and sensations felt by everybody present. Winner of the 2013 UK Film Festival’s Best British Short, Kickoff screened at London’s East End Film Festival, Brooklyn’s Short Film Festival, Raindance in London and Berlin and many more. Kickoff is essentially about the excitement of going into battle.

Directed by Zoran Trajkovic
Written by Alistair Moore
Produced by Todd Kleparski
Starring Steven Waddington


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